Terms Of Service

Legal Terms and Conditions

Through your use of our website, you acknowledge and accept that the terms and conditions listed below constitute a binding legal agreement between you and the company doing business as RevCarParts, as well as its affiliates and affiliated companies (collectively, "RevCarParts").

Access to Websites

You will be required to furnish some details upon creating an account on our website. In accordance with these Terms of Use, you acknowledge that all the information you submit is accurate, up to date, and comprehensive. If you submit out-of-date, inaccurate, misleading, or incomplete information, RevCarParts has the right to delete your account or deny you access to its websites. RevCarParts reserves the right to implement these actions immediately and without warning.

Limitations on Utilisation

By using our website, you acknowledge that you will only use it for what it was designed for and that you will not engage in any activity that is against the law or our terms of usage. It is strictly forbidden for you to co-brand, frame, or hyperlink to our website unless RevCarParts grants you permission, which is entirely at their discretion.

These actions have the following definitions:

Co-branding: No website unaffiliated with RevCarParts or any of its partners may use the RevCarParts brand, trademarks, or logos.

Framing: RevCarParts.com may not be framed inside the navigation or structure of any other website that is not associated with RevCarParts.com or any of its partners.

Linking: Unless RevCarParts grants you permission to do so at its sole discretion, you will not link to RevCarParts' website from another website.

You consent to work with RevCarParts and, upon request, to promptly stop any instances of branding, framing, or unapproved hyperlinking. Additionally, you consent to refrain from doing any action that could hinder, damage, overload, or impede other people's usage of the RevCarParts website. It is prohibited for you to access or try to access information.

or private documents that are unintentionally made accessible via the RevCarParts website.

Services for Communication

You agree to use the forums, chat rooms, bulletin boards, and other communications services offered on the RevCarParts website solely for the purposes for which they were designed and in accordance with these Terms of Use. On RevCarParts' digital platforms, you promise not to post, mail, submit, publish, or transmit any of the following:

intellectual property or proprietary materials that are the property of RevCarParts or another party

Documents that describe or support criminal action or indicate a desire or intention to commit a crime

pornographic, obscene, or vulgar content

Threats, mistreatment, libel, slander, intimidation, or use of harsh or threatening language

Content that injures or takes advantage of youngsters and children

Names, contact information, email addresses, and/or physical addresses of any third parties

Any content that impersonates or falsely represents another organisation or individual, as well as any misleading or exploitative content

Information that is not correctly credited to the relevant author or lawful owner

Anything comprising "spam," chain letters, or any other form of mass messaging, as well as requests for favours or business

Content that is contaminated with viruses, malware, or any other harmful programme that could endanger the website

solicitations for political candidates or campaigns

To make sure that these Terms of Use are being followed, RevCarParts maintains the right to keep an eye on how its website and other digital platforms are being used. RevCarParts retains the right to remove any content that disobeys these terms of use and to prevent users from accessing the site if they do not comply with these rules. RevCarParts may divulge to other parties—such as law enforcement officers—as much information as required to comply with legal requirements, court orders, administrative agency directives, and to protect the company's assets, clients, and staff. Any content on its website that do not adhere to the guidelines specified in these Terms of Use will be removed by RevCarParts or access to them will be denied.

Exclusive Data

The information that is available on this website and any other website that RevCarParts owns, runs, licences, or otherwise controls (collectively, the "Content") is proprietary to RevCarParts or the organisation that granted a licence for the Content to RevCarParts. RevCarParts and its affiliates' trademarks, service marks, logos, and copyrighted works are expressly included in the Content. Except for printing a copy of the Content for personal use only, RevCarParts prohibits all other uses, distribution, republishing, uploading, posting, or transmission of the Content without its prior written approval. This means that any copyright, trademark, trade name, service mark, or other property notice or legend appearing on the Content cannot be deleted, altered, or caused to be altered. Intellectual property rights owned by RevCarParts are violated by any modification or use of the Content other than as specifically permitted by these Terms of Use. To anyone viewing this website, no title or intellectual property rights are transferred.

Hyperlinks and Links from Third Parties

Other websites that are not owned or maintained by RevCarParts or its connected parties may link to the RevCarParts website. These links are given as a convenience to users of the relevant external sites; RevCarParts does not pay for traffic that comes from those sources to its website. You accept the terms and third-party policies of the websites you visit when you click on a link from RevCarParts' website to a third-party website and see external content. You should use these external third-party links at your own risk and discretion. RevCarParts is not liable for their content. RevCarParts does not warrant the truth, fullness, or security of external links. Links to third-party websites are provided by RevCarParts for the convenience of its clients and users; these links do not imply that RevCarParts endorses any other businesses, their goods, or services.


You give RevCarParts the right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, and display comments, reviews, ideas, and feedback through its website, worldwide, royalty-free, sub-licensable, non-cancellable, and non-exclusive, provided you submit content to RevCarParts through its website. In order to achieve its commercial goals, RevCarParts further retains the right to integrate such material into other media or technological platforms. Such submissions won't be taken into account.private and may not be utilised without permission or risk of royalties in marketing materials, goods, or advertisements. In accordance with its Privacy Policy, RevCarParts will manage the security of private data.

Warranty Disclaimer: RevCarParts disclaims all liability for your Internet usage and any things you download that may be dangerous. It is your responsibility to safeguard your computers and mobile devices against malware, worms, Trojan horses, viruses, and other security threats that could compromise the integrity of your files, operating systems, or hard drive. It is your responsibility to safeguard your data using firewalls, personal antivirus software, and other appropriate tools. You are also accountable for restoring any lost data in the case of a security breech or malfunction.

Regarding the use of our website and other digital platforms, as well as any goods or services purchased there, REVCOMPONENTS MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The content on our website is presented as is, without warranty against errors, defects, or security risks. YOU USE THE REV COMPONENTS WEBSITE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Product warranties might be obtained directly from the manufacturer. WE DO NOT GIVE ANY WARRANTY RELATING TO INTERNET SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS AND ARE NOT LIABLE FOR THEM. The websites and other digital platforms you use may cause loss, damage, or injury to people or property. FOR THIS REASON, WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL RESPONSIBILITY.

The whole expense of maintaining, fixing, or making good on any loss or damage arising from using the RevCarParts website is your responsibility. Products offered for sale on the RevCarParts website may change in price and availability at any time. RevCarParts disclaims all liability for how you use the content on this website and will not be held responsible if your actions violate someone else's rights or privacy. All information on the RevCarParts website is current as of the day it was posted, and the company makes no promises to alter or remove any material upon request.

Restrictions on Liability

Even if RevCarParts was informed that such damages may occur, neither it nor the "Indemnified Parties" (as defined below) shall be liable or responsible for any incidental, direct, indirect, punitive, actual, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages, including loss of revenue or income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, or similar damages. RevCarParts's and the aforementioned parties' combined liability will never be greater than $100 or the amount you paid RevCarParts for the relevant Content or service that gave rise to the liability, regardless of the type of action (contract, tort, or otherwise). Certain states may not allow the aforementioned liability limits to apply. You might be able to seek further damages or remedies in these states.


You agree to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless RevCarParts and the Indemnified Parties (described below) from liability for any breaches or violations of the Privacy Policy, these Terms of Use, or any RevCarParts Content used for a purpose not expressly permitted by RevCarParts. You acknowledge that in connection with such a breach or unauthorised use, RevCarParts and the Indemnified Parties will not be liable for any losses, damages, judgements, awards, costs, expenses, or attorney's fees, and that you will release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless RevCarParts and the Indemnified Parties from the same. In addition, you agree to release, defend, indemnify, and keep harmless RevCarParts and the Indemnified Parties from any liability relating to third-party claims resulting from your unauthorised use, breach, or violation of the RevCarParts website and its contents. RevCarParts and any of its parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates, as well as its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, agents, representatives, subcontractors, successors, and assigns, are collectively referred to as "Indemnified Parties."

Selection of Law and Authority

Without regard to its conflict of law provisions, the laws of the State of Missouri, in the United States of America, shall govern and be interpreted in accordance with these Terms of Use. You agree that any legal dispute arising out of these Terms of Use, your use of the RevCarParts website, or any other legal matter will be heard in a court of competent jurisdiction located inside the boundaries of Greene County, Missouri.


You may only use your password to access the RevCarParts website. It is your responsibility to keep your password current, safe, and secure. Your password is not protected by RevCarParts, and you might need to update it if RevCarParts

believes there has been a breach in the website's security. Otherwise, RevCarParts has the right to cancel your account. You must use a password that RevCarParts considers safe and change it on a regular basis.

It is strongly forbidden to use any programmes or tools (password breaking software, hacking tools, or unsolicited probes) that are intended to compromise the security of the RevCarParts website. By using the RevCarParts website, you consent to maximising the security of the information associated with your personal account and to cooperating with the company's staff and security personnel in the event that a security breach is detected. It is against the law to compromise security, tamper with system resources, or voluntarily provide unauthorised people access to account credentials. In order to address security problems, RevCarParts retains the right to look into any infraction or breach of security and to provide personal information to system administrators or law enforcement.

RevCarParts maintains the right to abide by court orders, administrative agency directives, and other legal inquiries, as well as to work with law enforcement to comply with and fulfil demands for user information. RevCarParts may provide names, user account information, messages, and any evidence of a breach of the terms of use to third parties upon request for legal purposes. As a result of your participation on RevCarParts' website, you release RevCarParts and the Indemnified Parties from any liability for losses or damages arising from RevCarParts' fulfilment with such orders or queries.

Legal Restrictions on Information Tracking

For the purpose of tracking orders delivered to you from its website, RevCarParts may send you tracking information gathered through different shipping services. The third party's respective services own all tracking data and package tracking systems that are acquired via this service. These tracking systems will not be used for any purposes that are not allowed by these terms of usage. Except from tracking shipments to you, any unauthorised use of these services will be deemed a violation of these Terms of Use.Without the express permission of the relevant shipper(s), you will not publish, distribute, copy, keep, use, or sell such tracking information for profit. The corresponding tracking systems are offered as a service, and it is completely forbidden to access or use them in any way that contravenes these Terms of Use.

Termination or Access Restrictions

RevCarParts reserves the right to immediately and without prior warning cancel or restrict your access to its website and services if you breach any of its terms of use.

Ability to Assign

RevCarParts retains the right to transfer all or a portion of these Terms of Use to any affiliate or successor company. Without prior, in writing authorization from RevCarParts, you are not permitted to transfer the rights and duties set forth in these Terms of Use.

Ability to Sever

The remaining terms and conditions of these terms of use will remain unaffected if any part, or all, of them, is found to be invalid or unenforceable. The remaining clauses will continue to be enforceable and have full force and effect.


(a) Claims and Disputes. Any disagreement or claim that may develop between us about your use of the RevCarParts website or any goods or services that are sold or distributed through it will be settled through binding arbitration rather than going to court. This rule has an exemption, which is outlined in the following subparagraph (e). There are no juries or judges in arbitration. However, the arbitrator has the same authority to grant damages as a jury or court.

(a) The Process for Arbitration. A impartial arbitrator who is a member of or associated with The American Arbitration Association (AAA) shall oversee any arbitration process in compliance with the AAA's then-current consumer dispute rules and procedures. If we are unable to come to an agreement over the choice of arbitrator, the AAA will appoint the arbitrator on our behalf. Otherwise, we will choose a single arbitrator together. The arbitration may be conducted via videoconference or teleconference by the arbiter. The arbitration will take place in a location that works for both of us if the arbiter decides that it needs to be conducted in person. If we are unable to reach a consensus, the arbitrator will select a venue while considering the parties' financial situation and level of travel capability.

(c) Rewards and Fees for Arbitration. All arbitration expenses shall be paid in accordance with the AAA regulations. In arbitration, RevCarParts will not pursue its legal fees and costs unless the arbiter finds that your claim is without merit.

There are no class actions. We both understand that any disagreements between us will be settled individually, and you are not permitted to file a lawsuit as a plaintiff or a class member in a consolidated or  

representative behavior. Class actions, private attorney general proceedings, class arbitrations, and consolidation with other arbitrations are prohibited.

(e) Exclusions from the Arbitration Agreement. If your claims are eligible, you or RevCarParts may file them in Springfield, Missouri's small claims court, or in any county or parish in the United States where you reside or work. Without initially participating in the arbitration mentioned above, any party may file a case just for injunctive relief to prevent illegal use or abuse of the Site or intellectual property infringement (such as trademark, trade secret, copyright, or patent rights).


(g) The Overarching Law. This agreement to arbitrate shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act and Applicable Federal Law. This agreement to arbitrate shall continue in effect in the event that a court rules that any portion of it is illegal or unenforceable, with the exception of the clause pertaining to the waiver of class and representative actions. This entire Section about Disputes will not apply if a court rules that the clause pertaining to the waiver of class and representative actions is illegal or unenforceable.

Statement of Privacy

Please go to RevCarParts' Privacy Statement for additional details on the company's privacy practices and policies.

Placing an Order

Our system will check that there are money in your account and authenticate the payment card information you entered at the time of ordering. Our security system will reject your order if the information you entered during checkout does not match the information we have on file for the credit card you used. On the day your product is sent, your credit card will be charged the full price of your order if the information you submitted is correct.

Transport and Arrival

All of RevCarParts' estimated delivery dates are dependent on the weight and size of the order's package. The timeliness or precision of the delivery dates supplied by any of RevCarParts' regular shipping partners are not guaranteed. Furthermore, deliveries that go missing or are taken from the delivery site are not RevCarParts' responsibility. Once the order reaches the address listed in the tracking information, deliveries are the customer's entire responsibility. If a package is lost or stolen, RevCarParts cannot promise that it will be replaced or that you will receive a refund.


When you buy something from our online store, RevCarParts does not offer a low price guarantee or a price match. Additionally, RevCarParts does not guarantee the actual pricing for products sold at any of our locations because actual pricing and sales tax expenses differ from region to location. The final amount you pay for purchases you make at any of our retail locations or online can differ from what you would pay at another one of our stores.

Clearance and Marketing Products

Clearance prices are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are only valid while supplies last. Regarding clearance items, RevCarParts does not provide rain checks or back orders. RevCarParts is unable to order, replenish, or transfer in any sale items, nor can it replace any clearance-priced item with another one. Clearance pricing cannot be combined with other offers, discounts, or promo codes, and RevCarParts does not provide significant volume discounts. Even when paired with other goods in your order, clearance items are not eligible for or count toward any shipping specials or discounts. No product, part, or clearance item from RevCarParts is shipped to another retailer.

Items that are on clearance are sold "as is," and all sales are final. Clearance items are not eligible for refunds or returns. However, RevCarParts cannot guarantee

that you will receive the amount of clearance products that you ordered. When your purchase is processed, you will receive the quantities that are available for shipping if RevCarParts does not have the numbers you have requested. All amounts stated for clearance products are approximations.

Cards for gifts

Only US RevCarParts retailers are eligible to redeem your card. Other than as required by law, your card cannot be redeemed for cash or credit. Treat your gift card as though it were cash. There are no implied warranties on your gift card, and it is not a debit or credit card. RevCarParts or O'Reilly Auto Enterprises, LLC is the only entity that issued your card and is responsible only to the card owner, depending on the state in where it was issued. Without the gift card owner's permission or recourse, the issuer of the card may assign all of its rights and obligations as an Issuer to any affiliate or other Issuer. If assigned, the new Issuer will be the exclusive obligor and the Issuer will not be liable to the gift card owner. With the exception of situations where it is mandated by law, the Issuer disclaims all liability for cards that are misplaced, stolen, damaged, or used without your consent. To the extent authorized by law, these Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice and are accepted by you when you purchase, accept, or use your card.